Saturday, October 31, 2020

week 08

Making a noise pattern from the ground texture of the scene

Applying the noise filter on top of a cloner tied to the scale of the y axis. Right picture is both scale and position.

Top view

Layers for laser cutting

Tried making an action script for photoshop to export paths for each frame, but i'm afraid I'm gonna have to do it manually either way.

Other experiments

Could a possible theme be to make a physical, hard surface object look soft / dynamic? Or is this too vague / boring? Going forward it could be to use this same technique and apply it to a different form, e.g. to make a small chair.

Last model viewed from the opposite side

Monday, October 19, 2020

week 06 - laser cutting


Experimenting with photogrammetry and pixel sorting for laser cutting

Tried messing around with a random effector on a cloner to emulate the lines present in pixel sorting. But i think the result is more messy than anything. The end result looks too random and unrecognisable.

Monday, October 12, 2020

week 05 - magnetic field strength

Messing around with magnets and iron powder to test magnetic field strength

Applying a gradient map to the picture

Pixel sorting effect in after effects to generate a form similar to the northern lights.

Next step would be to further develop this shape. E,g. cut it up or try to incorporate it into a bigger one.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

week 04 - Exploring themes

Manually making an eroded object by modelling.

"Eroding" a photogrammetry object. Same process as the wall clock except that the objects used this time had higher polygon count.

Animation snapshot of morph between a complete object and an eroded one. I wanted to try and apply some deformers to this group of objects again, but it crashed my computer cause of a lack of memory. I would have to figure out a way to keep detail but at the same time reduce the amount of polygons.

Animation of the morph between complete object and the transformed one.

I initially chose Erosion / Transformation as my theme. However i've been really uncertain about it afterwards, as I've been struggling to explore it properly.