Monday, September 28, 2020

week 03

Photograph OR abstract drawing of a natural surface / object. Take that image into Maya / C4D / Rhino. Make initial form from that photo.

Photogrammetry. Take 500 images of an object ( location ) in real life . Then using a photogrammetry program ( like agisoft ) turn those photo into a 3d model.

Then import into your favourite 3D app

Monday, September 21, 2020

week 02

More experimentation in Topmod

Base shape in Cinema 4D which is then imported in Topmod and remeshed. This new model is then imported back into Cinema 4D and combined with the base model.

Slicing basic shapes

Model is made with the Volume builder in Cinema 4D.

Spline wrap in Cinema 4D doesn’t work well with complex shapes. On the image to the left we can see that it takes a “shortcut” rather than following the shape. In these cases I had to manually edit the spline.

Also i think this shape was a little too complex. After slicing it, it lost all of it's detail. I think it would need way more slices and rails for the shape to work properly.

Drawing in photoshop to 3D + animation

Drawing made in photoshop and then imported to Cinema 4D. The spline points are keyframed. The layers are made through the MoInstance object.

Other experimentation in Topmod

Projects to figure out how to do

This is not from the PDFs / from Daniel Widrigs website

Also from Daniel Widrigs website

Monday, September 14, 2020

Week 01

 First tests in TopMod and exploring modifiers in Cinema 4D

Models from TopMod. These are 4 different models with screenshots of different stages.

Different modifiers applied to two different models from topmod. The modifiers used where displacementtwist and squash and stretch. All of the models had subdivision surface applied. Full image